
Managing A Rural Business In 2022

The ‘new normal’ has been upon us for going on two years. It’s almost unfathomable to think that we are setting fresh standards for the way business will be done for years to come. With 2022 around the corner, we’re going to offer rural business owners some valuable information on how to manage your enterprise in the coming year.

Set Goals

It may seem pointless to set goals for your business, particularly while many countries remain locked down, one way or another. You may feel that without tourists visiting the UK, your business is not likely to grow. You may be justified in your reasoning, but that’s what makes goal setting so important. In these unprecedented times, thinking outside of the box is more important than it ever was. Start setting goals now, so that when January arrives, you’re ready to tackle the year ahead with vigour and enthusiasm.

Renewed Focus and Feedback

With your goals set, the next step is to renew your focus, filter it down the line to every single member of your staff, irrespective of their position on the field. When everyone works with the same passion, effort, and heart, great things happen. Give regular feedback on certain projects; this will create a feeling of unity among your employees, motivating them to work even harder to achieve the common goal.

Know Your Competitors

Competition for business and an increased market share is certainly going to be rife as everyone vies for their piece of the pie. In order to manage your business well, and remain a step ahead of your competitors, you must know what they’re doing – both right and wrong. One of the most successful ways to do this is to have an expert conduct a competitive analysis on your behalf. Seek the services of someone who is well-acquainted with your industry of operation, but who will conduct a fair, impartial study; Mark Lumsdon Taylor has extensive knowledge of rural business operations.

Up Your Service Level

Many consumers will tell you that they do return business with companies that maintain high levels of customer service. This is one area in which you can set your business apart from the others in the industry. Follow through on any promises you make to a customer, no matter how small. Offer suggestions to clients that will not only make their lives easier, but increase sales, and bring in more business. Most importantly, be genuine, because many consumers can smell a pretender a mile away.

Use Customer Comments to Your Creative Advantage

Customer comments are one of the pillars on which many successful businesses are built. Receiving feedback openly, whether positive or negative, will help you grow your business. To use a plain example: Your farm sells packaged carrots to a local wholesaler, but so do three of your competitors. A customer doesn’t know which carrots to buy because she feels they all look the same. How can you improve your packaging to make it stand out from the rest? Perhaps you can package them in recyclable paper bags rather than plastic ones, or even large reusable glass jars. Always remember that criticism is positive, even when it feels like it is not.

These few tips should help you and your management team get geared up for 2022. Here’s wishing you a successful year!

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