School is about learning – learning is about relationships
School is about relationships. Learning is about relationships. We learn in relationships with ideas and concepts, and in relationships with others.
As long as we gather our children together in schools, adults who care and teach them without questions among the most important people in their lives. Schools are communities that must be first and are especially devoted to learning. Too often other agendas block learning. Other agendas may include the desire of the administrator to advance his career, the teacher’s desire to do the same thing or to avoid additional work that comes by becoming a member of the team that devotes to the success of each student, or the council’s efforts to take schools with different directions from their mission. The agenda at school besides being truly devoted to learning sad and unfortunate. But, don’t despair. Many teachers and administrators have their main purpose, learning and welfare of their students. They approach every day with a desire to teach and study, and affection for their students.
Here are some questions that you might want to reflect on your school and colleagues. I offer them in the spirit of learning. They are very helpful during the days as a school leader.
Do teachers at school I believe that professional growth and update are the most important?
Do teachers at school I believe that setting the highest academic and social standards that can be achieved for students is very important, and that this is one of the most basic values of our faculty?
Do teachers at school I believe that being on the side of the student and hope that they are striking, the daily success forms two of our most basic faculty goals?
Do teachers at school I believe that the steps and / or confrontation of discipline with students must be done in a way that makes the dignity of students remain intact?
Do teachers at school I believe that rendering aid to someone’s colleagues is very important?
Do casual conversations among consistive, optimistic and professional faculty members?
Do I have full trust in my school colleague?
Do I really respect my school administrator?
Does my school administration provide active support to, and build active involvement with, all school faculty members?
Is my school administration support proactive communication with, and services to, each student’s parents?
Imagine being at school where you and your colleagues are truly devoted to your professional and student growth. What a beautiful place.
J Daniel Hollinger, PhD, is an experienced school consultant and President Hollinger International, an international education management consulting company that serves international schools, private, independent, and charter, non-profit organizations and educational companies. Hollinger International provides customized strategic assistance to establish new schools, improve education and strengthen leadership. Hollinger International School Improvement Services includes quality reviews, planning planning and leadership increasing schools. We help school evaluate and enhance the curriculum, design and implement international bachelor programs, and improve education through teaching and inquiry-based learning. Realizing that the teacher is the biggest school asset, we provide teacher training, assess and improve faculty culture, and help build very effective and collaborative faculty teams and management teams. Our school increase services also include the development of the board, strategic planning, evaluation and compensation of the faculty, principal and training seat training, head and middle level, branding and marketing, and management changes.